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April Contest Report

Open Class

We flew three rounds of 10 minute tasks in beautiful weather.  Standings below:

Trevino 2002
Meeks 1449
Barton 1337
Holguin 1332
Higgins 1130
Schrader 1047
Van 1040
Atkins 1008
Nevill 890
Starling 816
Witteman 592

11 flyers made 33 landings.  One was a 100 (Meeks), a 99 (Atkins), a 97 (Trevino), a 96 (Van) and a 90 (HIggins).  Five made landings in the 80s, and there were three in the 60s.  Sixteen (50%) of the landings were Zeros. Only four flights of 10 minutes were made, three by Gene Trevino and one by Alex Holguin.  One flight of 9:57 by John Barton.  

We designated the second round of Open as a Prize Round.  Prizes were awarded for Longest Flight Time (John Barton), Best Landing (Walter Higgins) and Shortest Flight (Mike Starling).  Event awards were glider pins, a gift for the anchor man, and a kit of an RPV to Gene Trevino.

F3RES Class

For F3RES we split into two four man teams.  Team One of Meeks, Nevil, Witteman and Schrader scored a total of 2937 points while Team Two of Van, Barton, Atkins, and Higgins put up 3202 points.  Individual scores and standings below:


Meeks 979
Van 907
Higgins 890
Atkins 832
Schrader 808
Nevill 637
Barton 573
Witteman 513

Glider wing pins to the winners and everyone got prizes for participating.

Thanks to everyone who helped.  Couldn't have done it without you!